

Nov 27

Causes Why Your Business Should Register Its Trademarks

A trademark is your business’ identifier, it protects ownership of your name, logo, tagline, or whatever mark you may use to identify to the consuming public your business’ product or service. There are just a few answer why you need to protect your brand:


Trademark registration of one’s mark gives everyone constructive notice of one’s ownership. In my view, this is among the of, if not the most compelling reason for registering your mark. With notice, a any such doing a browse an identical or similar mark as yours will see that you already own the mark, it is therefore put on notice that its use of much the same or similar mark to yours may result in trademark infringement. Method to party is positioned notice to locate a new and different mark. With such notice, registering your mark prevents any conflict in earth.

Social Media

Social media is the best way to resource for most businesses. Customers search for brand names on the various social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Each web 2 venue has policies within position to protect against improper activities including improper marketing. Unfortunately, the practice of a person(s) or entity improperly using another company’s name or brand on social media for financial gain, for example, isn’t uncommon. Such improper practices can result in the venue suspending the wrongdoer’s social media account. Know the venue’s policies for information and facts. However, I realize that when you complain the social media site for these wrongdoing and claim that another is certainly your brand without permission, the social sites administrator responds with a request of proof of ownership within the subject type. A trademark registration gives compelling proof brand usage.

Brand Loyalty

Registering your mark shows a persistence to your brand name and shows prospects that commitment. The goodwill that could be developed through such commitment is invaluable to an enterprise.


Cybersquatters register domain names that are indifferent or much other parties’ trademarks or known brands with the sole purpose of advertising them (to the rightful owner) high fee. The Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act allows a trademark owner court action and collect damages from individuals who register a domain name that is identical or similar towards the Online trademark renewal procedure india.

Trademark Renewals

Trademark registration can work for as long as you continue utilizing the mark in commerce. Or even some firms that have registered trademarks which can be over 100 years old.

Trademark registration may not be for it doesn’t matter. However, there are many compelling advantages of protecting your brand just you protect any other business asset. A trademark is your business’ brand, its identifier. Protect it with trademark registration.